History of the Rus or Little Russia (Russian: Исторія Русовъ, или Малой Россіи) or History of the Rus (Ukrainian: Історія русів) is a book about the history of the Rus people (Ukrainians) and their state (Ukraine or Little Russia) from ancient times up to 1769. The book was written as a political essay in the end of the 18th century by anonymous author, probably by Orthodox bishop Hryhorii Konyski, and firstly published in 1846 in Moscow in Russian language by Osyp Bodianski.
History of the Rus focuses on two ideas. Firstly, it emphasize the historical difference and antagonism between Rus (Ukraine) and Muscovy (Russia). Secondly, it accentuate on the historical continuity of the Rus people (Ukrainians) from the medieval times of Kievan Rus till the early modern Cossack state.
Despite numerous factual mistakes and exaggerations, History of the Rus had a great impact on Ukrainian scholarship, works of prominent Ukrainian writers like Nikolai Gogol and Taras Shevchenko, and formation of Ukrainian national discourse of the 19th century.